How Probiotics Can Help You Improve Your Health

Zunaira Fawad
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2019


A healthy diet and intake of good food are essential for wellbeing — including the intake of probiotics. Researchers are studying the importance and safety of probiotics — healthy-live bacteria on humans.

But what exactly are probiotics, and where can we find them? Readout below!

What are probiotics?

Linda Lee, M.D. states that probiotics are ‘good organisms’ that we believe are beneficial to our health’. Certain parts of our body, like our gut and skin, are already rich in bacteria that keep us healthy and prevent disease. These live bacteria prevent the growth of other disease-causing bacteria and fight them. Moreover, they assist the body in digestion and breakdown of food substances.

Probiotics exist in naturally occurring foods like yogurt and kimchi, and we already know how good yogurt is when we have a stomach bug. Probiotics are thought to improve the digestive system and help treat bloating and diarrhea. Yogurt helps to restore the normal flora of the gut, and reinstate the bacteria that is lost due to disease.

A number of physicians and doctors recommend probiotics as a means to help shape the body’s immune system, and ferment fiber to generate food for the cells lining the intestinal cavity. Studies show that we undermine the role of this gut flora, not only on gastrointestinal health but also on mental health.

There is possibly a signaling mechanism between the central nervous system and the gut flora that can account for the effect of food on mental illness. For instance, people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, often develop depression later on in life as well. However, this aspect of probiotics is still under research, and more data is needed for conclusive evidence.

How can probiotics help?

Probiotics are very helpful with respect to guarding our health and general well-being. In the following, we are listing down 7 key areas where they offer help.

1. Establish a healthy gut environment

Probiotics eradicate the growth of bad bacteria and help in reestablishing the natural gut bacterial environment. Certain diseases, poor diet and use of antibiotics can disrupt the balance between the good and bacteria. The consequences can include digestive issues, food allergies and bloating. These consequences can be avoided if probiotics are initiated at the end of an illness, in a timely fashion.

2. Prevent and treat diarrhea

Certain types of diarrhea that don’t respond to medication, and are worsened by the intake of antibiotics, can become better with the use of probiotics. In one study, researchers found that taking probiotics reduced the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 42 percent.

Even infectious diarrhea can be reduced by an average of 25 hours through the use of certain strains of probiotics. The effectiveness of probiotics depends on the type and dose of probiotic consumed, but on average, the risk of diarrhea was greatly reduced in both children and adults.

Strains like lactobacillus rhamnosus, saccharomyces boulardii and lactobacillus caseiare beneficial for diarrhea-related illnesses.

3. Helps mental health disorders

As mentioned before, mental health can have a link with the gut flora. The use of probiotics, can, therefore, improve mental health, and enhance mood. In fact, mental health disorders can also benefit from probiotic supplementation, as evidenced by animal and human studies.

Review of 15 human studies found that supplementation with lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, for 1–2 months can improve depression, autism, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even memory can improve due to daily probiotic intake.

4. Urogenital health improvement

Vaginal and urogenital health concerns, such as bacterial vaginosis, recurring yeast infections and urinary tract infections can also improve with the use of probiotics. The intake of lactobacillus, in particular, is helpful. The vaginal health can be compromised in certain conditions like the use of birth control pills, the use of spermicides, antibiotic etc. Hence, in such situations, oral and vaginal administration (in certain cases) of probiotics are generally considered safe.

5. Heart health:

Probiotics can also help in keeping the heart healthy. They lower the ‘bad’ cholesterol LDL that can contribute to heart disease, and help tackle hypertension. A review of study found that intake of probiotic-rich yogurt for 2–8 weeks, reduced LDL cholesterol by 5 percent, and total cholesterol by 4 percent. Another study found a small increase in the ‘good’ cholesterol HDL in the body as well, which has a cardio-protective effect. A modest decrease in high blood pressure is also associated with probiotic use.

6. Allergies and eczema:

People who are prone to allergies and eczema may benefit from the probiotic intake. One study found that eczema improved in children who were fed probiotic supplemented milk. Even children whose mother took probiotics during pregnancy had 83 percent lower risk of developing eczema during the first two years of life. To get to a definitive conclusion, more research is needed, however.

7. Weight loss

Probiotics help prevent excessive absorption of dietary fat and thus indirectly help in weight loss. Probiotic use has been associated with satiety and reduced sugar cravings. In fact, probiotics could have a direct effect on weight loss as well, as evidenced from a study that found intake of lactobacillus for 3 months helped in 50 percent more weight loss, compared to the control group.

Probiotics are great for health; however, the strain and the dose should be carefully monitored. Consult your healthcare provider for more information about the right type of probiotic for you.

